Bodhipathapradipa by Acharya Deepankar Srijinana


Language: Hindi

Year:   1990

The text reconciler the doctrines of   essence various Buddhist schools and philosophy, and is notable for the introduction of the three levels of spiritual aspiration: lesser, meddling and superior, (e.g. Sharvakaya, Pratika Buddha and Bodhisattva), which in turn became the foundation for “A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment”.  Prof. K.  Angrup (Lahuli) Translated into Hindi


The text reconciler the doctrines of   essence various Buddhist schools and philosophy, and is notable for the introduction of the three levels of spiritual aspiration: lesser, meddling and superior, (e.g. Sharvakaya, Pratika Buddha and Bodhisattva), which in turn became the foundation for “A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment”.  Prof. K.  Angrup (Lahuli) Translated into Hindi


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