Abhidharmakosha written by Vasubhandhu. It summaries the Sarastivadin tenets in eight chapters with a total of around 600 verse. The text was widely respected and used by school of Buddhism in India, Tibet and East Asia. In this text elaborates on the causes and conditions involved in the productions of results, karma being one source of causes and result the ripening causes and ripening result etc.
Ladakh Prabha-22(Abhidharmakosha: An Analytical Composition)
Language:Bhoti & English
Year: 2019
Ladakh-Prabha Series contain the articles of scholars presented in the All India Seminars Organised by Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, (Deemed to be university) Leh-Ladakh from 1984-2020. The title series in Hindi version Ladakh-Prabha means”The Light Of Ladakh”.
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